Figs for Dogs: A Nutritious and Delicious Treat

It's National Fruit and Veggie Month, and at Three Happy Hounds, we're all about celebrating the health and wellness of our furry friends. Today, we're shining the spotlight on figs as a nutritious and beneficial treat for dogs. Let's explore the amazing health benefits of figs for our canine companions!


Health Benefits of Figs for Dogs

Figs are packed with nutrients that can support your dog's overall health in various ways:


  1. May Support Cognition: Figs contain bioactive compounds such as epicatechin, rutin, and gallic acid. These compounds may help protect against cognitive decline and support spatial memory retention in pets.

  2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Figs have natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate inflammation in your pet's body.

  3. Potassium and Magnesium: These essential minerals found in figs contribute to maintaining healthy muscles, nerves, and overall balance in your dog's body.

  4. Vitamins K, B6, and Riboflavin: Figs are rich in these vitamins that play crucial roles in supporting your dog's immune system, metabolism, and overall health.

How to Safely Feed Figs to Your Dog

To ensure your dog enjoys the health benefits of figs without any adverse effects, follow these guidelines:


  1. Choose Fresh Figs: Opt for fresh figs over dried ones, as they have lower sugar levels and are less likely to cause digestive issues.

  2. Feed Only the Fruit: Keep your dog away from fig leaves, sap, and plants, as they contain ficin, which is toxic to dogs and cats. Offer only the fruit to your pet to avoid any potential harm.

  3. Serve in Small Amounts: As with any new treat, introduce figs to your dog's diet gradually and in small amounts to avoid gastrointestinal issues.

Debunking Misinformation about Fruits and Vegetables for Pets

The internet is rife with misinformation about the safety of various fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds for pets. Many websites label potential risks as "toxicities," causing confusion among pet owners. It's essential to differentiate between actual toxicities and manageable risks.


When it comes to figs, the ASPCA lists the fig plant as toxic to dogs and cats, but not the fruit itself. The leaves and sap contain ficin, which can cause irritation and toxicity when ingested. Be vigilant and keep your pet away from the fig plant, offering only the fruit as a treat.


If you suspect your dog has consumed fig leaves or sap and exhibits symptoms such as drooling, diarrhea, vomiting, pawing at the face, abdominal pain, irritated skin, mouth pain, or watery eyes, seek immediate veterinary care.

Figs can be a delicious and nutritious treat for your dog when offered in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. By focusing on the fruit and avoiding the leaves and sap, you can safely provide your pet with the numerous health benefits that figs have to offer. So go ahead and share this delightful fruit with your canine companion during National Fruit and Veggie Month!