The Wonders of Kiwifruit: A Nutritious Treat for Your Furry Friends

National Fruit and Veggie Month is here, and at Three Happy Hounds, we're excited to share how fruits and veggies can benefit our beloved pets. Today, we're highlighting the amazing kiwifruit and its health benefits for dogs.

Health Benefits of Kiwifruit for Dogs

Kiwifruit is packed with essential nutrients and phytochemicals that can support your dog's overall health. Here are a few key benefits:

  • Aids in digestion: The actinidin enzyme found in kiwifruit helps break down proteins, improving digestion and ensuring smooth passage through the digestive system.
  • Supports eye health: Kiwifruit contains lutein, a carotenoid that accumulates in the retina and may help reduce the risk of age-related blindness.
  • Rich in antioxidants: With high levels of vitamin C, E, and other antioxidants, kiwifruit can help combat inflammation and oxidative stress in your pet's body.
  • Packed with vitamins and minerals: Kiwifruit is an excellent source of vitamins C, K, E, and folate, which contribute to your dog's overall well-being.

The various phytochemicals in kiwifruit, such as flavonoids, carotenoids, and anthocyanins, are responsible for its rich pharmacological profile. These compounds, along with gallic acid, caffeic acid, syringic acid, ferulic acid, and salicylic acid, provide potential antitumor, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects.

For instance, studies have shown that gallic acid may help boost immune and antioxidant activities in stressed puppies, while caffeic and ferulic acids have brain iron-chelating properties that could aid in preventing neurogenic diseases.

How to Safely Feed Kiwifruit to Your Pets

When feeding kiwifruit to pets, always follow these guidelines:

  1. Slice it into small pieces: To prevent choking hazards, especially in larger breeds, always serve kiwifruit in small, bite-sized pieces.
  2. Serve in moderation: While kiwifruit is a healthy treat, it does contain sugar. Limit your pet's intake to avoid overloading them with sugar, which could cause health issues.
  3. Get creative with serving options: You can use kiwifruit as training treats, place them inside toys, or mash and spread them on a lick mat. Alternatively, add a few slices as a topper to your pet's meal for added texture and flavor.

Remember that treats, including kiwifruit, should only make up 10% of your pet's daily caloric intake. By following these guidelines and incorporating kiwifruit into your dog's diet, you can provide a tasty and nutritious treat that supports their health and wellness.

At Three Happy Hounds, we're committed to promoting the health and happiness of your pets through natural, wholesome food and supplies. Visit our store in Fernley, NV, to discover more ways to support your pet's well-being during National Fruit and Veggie Month and beyond!